Parental Control


Parental Control

Parental controls are features that allow you to monitor and restrict what a person does online. There are a wide variety of programs that do such things as block and filter websites and content, record their activities, limit their time online, and view their browsing history and communications.


The benefits of parental controls are clear. They provide peace of mind to parents by protecting children from the risks of online access. They can function dramatically to reduce the probability that children will be exposed to inappropriate images or videos as well as online predators. They can also function as a surrogate parent by shutting down access at a given time. They can protect your child by limiting their ability to make bad choices.


  • It helps to monitor your kid’s devices
  • Can block certain features not appropriate for kids
  • It may allow you to track your kids location
  • It helps to establish good cyber safety habits
  • Can help your kids to navigate correctly on internet

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