USB Scan Protection


USB Scan Protection

One of the most common types of USB viruses is the shortcut virus, and it comes in two forms: Computer Viruses and USB flash drive viruses.

Computer viruses: Replaces the folders on your desktop and the file icons in your computer with shortcut icons that won’t lead you to the actual file.

USB viruses: Takes all of your files and attributes them as “hidden” or places them in a hidden folder.

Plugging an unattended USB flash drive to a host network or system is no less than a threat. Such drives can be infected with viruses and malwares which later can be used to disturb the operation of a business. Malicious USB sticks are used where an attacker needs physical access to a computer.

How Virus Spreads ?

A computer infected with a virus can spread it to a clean USB thumb drive that is inserted. That USB drive will then be spreading the virus onto other computers of the operating system. A virus also can be implanted in what looks like a normal file on a USB device, so that even if AutoRun is disabled, the computer will become infected when the file is opened.

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